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RESEARCH: The pathogenic roles of tumor viruses in human cancers and the applications of viruses in biotechnology

We are interested in understanding how tumor viruses, especially Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), causes human carcinomas. Beside nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) that is absolutely associated with EBV infection, 10% of human gastric carcinoma are also found EBV-infected. In comparison to NPC that is mostly restricted in certain geographical areas, the EBV-associated gastric carcinoma (EBVaGC) can be identified throughout the world that may contribute to 100-thousand tumor cases annually. However, the roles of EBV in gastric cancers remain obscure. Our lab has the most state-of-art techniques to manipulate and investigate EBV. We will investigate the fundamental virology of EBV in gastric cells and the roles of EBV transcripts in EBVaGC. We are also investigating the mechanisms viruses in human malignancies that are associating to viral infection. For example: breast cancer, colorectal carcinoma, Cholangiocarcinoma, and autoimmune diseases (Lupus and Multiple Scleroses).

Meanwhile, we are also manipulating the tumor viruses for several applications. We have the unique technique that allows us to modify the giant DNA virus and transform these “terrible viruses” become the useful tools for human. You are welcome to join us and use the viruses to change the world.

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The principle of our researches: unveil the mechanism of EBV in carcinomas

我們對於癌症病毒,特別是EBV如何導致人類上皮細胞癌深感興趣。除了鼻咽癌,一種和EBV絕對相關的癌症,目前也發現EBV佔胃癌總體比例也居10%,此類癌症EBVaGC每年約造成全球10萬人罹癌,然而此些類癌症之致病機制仍不清楚。我們實驗室具備全世界對此病毒研究之最先進技術,當前我們將主力放在此病毒對胃癌造成之機制。我們也同時研究一些新發現由此病毒導致之癌症種類及疾病,諸如: 乳癌、大腸癌、膽管癌;及自體免疫疾病,諸如多發性硬化症等等。


​(備註: 部分實驗及技術因涉及可能未來專利申請及與合作方簽訂保密協定,不方便放於網頁,盼請您見諒。其他的您都可從"publication"論文中搜尋的到)

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The unique technique for EBV construction. The left panel shows the original paper published by Feederle et al, the right panel shows an example that B cells infected by lytic mutant can't start lytic replication at all (M81dZR).

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We are able to use EBV to infect human epithelial cells at high efficiency. EBER in situ hybridization visualizes the EBV-infected cells by black dots. Keratin staining demonstrates the cells are indeed epithelial origin. (Tsai, et al. 2017)


​    (要求要講到連普羅萬眾都聽得懂的版本)


1. CRISPR-Cas9 screening platforms

We are able to activate, inhibit, or delete any target gene and apply these techniques for the screening the targets


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2. EBV virology via generating the mutants

We are able to construct EBV with specific mutations that allows to understand the functions of each gene. Prof. Tsai is also the person who constructed the EBV strain isolated from human carcinoma (M81 strain).



We have the unique technique that allows us to modify the giant DNA virus and transform these “terrible viruses” become the useful tools for human. (Tsai et al, 2017)

3. Gastric organoid culture

We are able to isolate, expand, and modify the organoids isolated from human gastric samples




4. Viral Biotechnology

We are able to insert anything into the viruses         

(EBV as model) and apply it for applications


我們用EBV model因為其有很多優勢以進行應用

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5. Antiviral drugs for EBV and COVID-19

We are able to perform drug screening and validate the candidates with mechanisms​



6. Others

A place for fulfill your dream​s


-A modified platform for in vitro antibody maturation

-Gene-modified EBV for therapy usage

-其他產業開發計畫 (pilot projects with industry)

-Intensive international cooperation



-病毒免疫學 (尋找躲避EBV病毒的免疫機制)

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